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Installation of LooPo


The development of the LooPo project has been done on Solaris 2.x and several flavours of Linux. In the beginning we started on SunOS 4.1.3; therefore installation support for these three operating systems is provided. But except some basic system calls which are defined by the POSIX standard (e.g, named pipes) no special features of these OS's have been used. Therefore it should be no problem to port LooPo to other standard UNIXes; in fact, we'd like to hear from if you did it.

In order to compile LooPo a set of freely available software is required. The numbers in parentheses are the version numbers we currently use which means you may run into trouble if you use older releases (with Tcl/Tk this is certainly the case, whereas with gcc/g++ version 2.6.3 or 2.7.0 it is not).

The required non-standard packages are:

Needless to say we make use of X-Windows (X11R6). Additionally, the grammars for LooPo's input language are processed by bison++ and flex++ but in the standard distribution we provide the corresponding C++ files so if you don't want to change the grammar you don't need these two tools (but if you want to do, change the variable definitions BISONPLUSPLUS and NOFLEXPLUSPLUS from in the Makefile.)

All mentioned packages are available from most software archives on the Internet.

Martin Griebl
Wed Apr 24 11:24:00 MET DST 1996