
The <project.out>.trc-file contains the description of additional conditions for the validity of an affine schedule/allocation due to piecewise affine functions: the index space of a statement (that was derived by applying the space-time mapping to the original index space) is further restricted by these conditions (which are given wrt. the loop indices that surround the source statement). The restricitions in this file are already taken into account by the transformed index space stored in the .tispc-file.

Directory dispo2, File trafomat.cc, Function load_trafos
Directory targout, File targoutinit.cc, Function narrowIndexSpaces
Write: Directory targgen, File save_targout.cc, Function save_divided_ispcs


# of statements in main program
(1. statement :)
target statement number
original statement number
# of all index variables in input programm
# of all parameters
# of rows
matrix (to be read as row>=0)
(2. statement:)

Peter Faber, 9.2.2000