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Safe and Efficient Software Product Lines

Generation of Correct and Efficient Software based on Product-Line Technology

Project Description

Software product-line engineering aims at the specification, construction, management, and maintenance of complex software systems with the goal of reuse, variability, and efficiency. A software product line is a family of software systems that share a common set of features. A feature is a unit of functionality that satisfies a requirement, represents a design decision, and provides a potential configuration option. The idea of feature-oriented software development (FOSD) is to decompose a software system in terms of the features it provides. Typically, from a set of features, many different software systems (a.k.a. variants) can be generated that share common features and differ in other features (i.e., a software product line).

In the past, important aspects such as safety and efficiency of software product lines have not been sufficiently addressed. With contemporary product-line technology it is not possible to guarantee efficiency and correctness of generated software products. Correctness guarantees are a crucial prerequisite for the adoption of software product-line technology in industry, and software product lines have a potential to be optimized that is currently not exploited. The goal of SafeSPL and its successor SafeSPL++ is to develop methods, techniques, and tools to generate safe and efficient software products automatically.


SafeSPL has been funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) within the Emmy-Noether Programme (AP 206/4). The funding period was from November 2010 until October 2015. SafeSPL++ is the successor of SafeSPL. It has been funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) within the Heisenberg Programme (AP 206/6). The funding period was from October 2013 until September 2018.

Publications (copyright notice)














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SafeSPL and SafeSPL++ were research projects at the University of Passau (the principal investigator moved to Saarland University in 2019). The project members were: