Required Software Packages for LooPo

To install LooPo on your system, you need some software packages (the minimal requirements for the software release is given in brackets): Needless to say we make use of X-Windows (X11R6). For more info see the on-line installation maual.

Where to get the software

Since all these packages are freely available, we can provide you with all these packages directly.

Since most tools are GNU tools (make, gcc/g++ compiler, bison++ and flex++), you might take benefit of a gnu mirror close to your site, from which you can download the most recent version of the packages your need.
The toolkit for the interface is based on Tcl/Tk which you can get from or Polylib has its home in

Finally, here are some links to the versions we used at our site (the links are to a German mirror):

Additional software:

Martin Griebl