
The file <project.out>.trafo contains the list of the transformation matrices used and their inverse matrices, plus a list of vectors indicating the indices that make up the basis of the transformation and linear combinations for each index bound by a loop that does not build a base vector for the transformation.

(See also the format of the <project.out>.qual file)

Read: Write: Directory targgen, File save_targout.cc, Function save_all_for_targout


  file               --> num_stat [<func_and_inv>] num_stat [<uvect_and_lincombs>]
(where <func_and_inv> and <uvect_and_lincombs> occur
num_stat times)
func_and_inv --> stat_ID 1 <func> <func>
(where the second occurrence of <func> corresponds to
the transformation matrix T, while the first one
corresponds to its inverse)
func --> n_vars n_pars n_rows <matrix>
matrix --> denom [entry]
uvect_and_lincombs --> stat_ID <uvect> <all_lincombs>
uvect --> ulength [<is_used>]
(with is_used occurring ulength times and
the n-th occurrence being 1, iff the n-th outermost
loop built a base vector for the transformation)
is_used --> 1|0
all_lincombs --> nr_lincombs [<lincomb>]
(where <lincomb> occurs nr_lincombs times)
lincomb --> nr_coef lin_denom [coef]
(with coef occurring coef_nr times)

Peter Faber, 14.11.1997